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Participant Limit

Participant Limit

The Participant Limit component can help DAOs limit the maximum number of various roles. Since DAOs operate differently under different modes, the objects constrained by Limit component also differ. Below is an introduction to the Participant Limit for different modes of Venture DAOs.

DAO Mode
Limit Category
Restricted To
Investor Limit
Investor Role
In the Vintage DAO, the Investor Limit restricts the maximum number of investors (wallet addresses) allowed to contribute to fundraising in a single fund establishment. This Investor limit only applies to a specific fund establishment fundraising and does not accumulate across multiple fundraising of funds. Multiple deposits from the same investor (wallet address) in the same fund establishment fundraising will not be counted repeatedly towards the number of investors. Refer to the "Roles Of Vinteg DAO" section to understand the definition and specific introduction of investors in the Vintage DAO.
Investor Limit
Investor Role
In the Flex DAO, the Investor Limit restricts the maximum number of investors allowed to fund a specific investment project. This Investor limit applies only to a specific investment project and will not accumulate across multiple projects. Multiple deposits from the same investor (wallet address) in the same investment project will not be repeatedly counted toward the number of investors. Refer to the Roles Of Flex DAO section to understand the definition and detailed introduction of Investor in Flex DAO.
Member Limit
Member Role
In the Collective DAO, the Member Limit restricts the maximum number of members in the DAO. It plays a role in matters such as introducing new members (Member-In) and fundraising (Fundraise). Refer to the Roles Of Collective DAO section for the definition and detailed introduction of Members in the Collective DAO.

How To Use It

First Setup

You can set a Participant Limit during the deployment of a DAO (summon a DAO). For example, Investor Limit (Vintage/Flex DAO) or Member Limit (Collective DAO).

Participant Limit is an optional component. If this component is not enabled, it means there is no limit on the number of participants. For example:

  • When you deploy a Vintage DAO without enabling Investor Limit, it means there is no limit on the number of fund investors when you launch a new fund.
  • When you deploy a Flex DAO without enabling the Investor Limit, it means that there is no limit on the number of project investors when you initiate a specific project investment.
  • When you deploy a Collective DAO without enabling a Member Limit, it means that an unlimited number of people can join the DAO through Fundraising or Member-In methods.

Subsequent Modification

If you are a Governor role in any mode of DAO (all Members in a Collective DAO are equivalent to the Governor role), you can initiate an Investor Limit Proposal (Vintage/Flex) or Member Limit Proposal (Collective) in the Settings category of the Management page to propose a new limit rule. This proposal will be decided by a vote of the DAO's Governors. If the vote passes, the new limit settings will take effect immediately.

  • For Vintage, the revised Investor limit applies to the fundraising of the next fund.
  • For Flex, the revised Investor limit applies to fundraising for the next investment project.
  • For Collective, the revised Member limit applies to current funds, so the revised Member limit in the proposal cannot be less than or equal to the number of DAO before the change.

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