
For DAO Managers

For Investors

Claiming Vesting

For Startups

For Scout

What Is Scout

Propose An Investment


Understanding Governomy

Governomy Contract & Graph


Propose An Investment

Propose An Investment

In all three modes of DAOSquare Incubator Venture DAOs, the investment proposal initiated by the DAO is called the Scout of the proposal for the DAO. Who is eligible to initiate an investment proposal to become Scout, check out What is Scout.

How To Propose An Investment

How To
Check out Run A Vintage DAO / Invest In A Project to learn how to initiate an investment in Vintage DAO.
Check out Run A Collective DAO / Invest In A Project to learn how to initiate an investment in Collective DAO.
Check out Run A Flex DAO / Invest In A Project to learn how to initiate an investment in Flex DAO.

Scout Fee & Carry

If the Fund sets Scout Fee & Carry, Scout will receive Scout Fee and Carry as rewards for contributing deal source when the investment proposal initiated by Scout is approved and successfully executed. The fee rates depends on the Scout Fee & Carry setting of the Fund for the period.
Scout can set Scout Fee and Scout Carry when initiating an investment proposal. When the investment proposal is approved and successfully executed, Scout will receive Scout Fee and Carry as a reward for contributing deal source. The fee rates depends on Scout's Scout Fee & Carry setting in a specific investment proposal.
If the DAO sets Scout Fee & Carry, when the Investment Proposal initiated by Scout is approved and successfully executed, Scout will receive Scout Fee and Carry as rewards for contributing deal source. The fee rates depends on the Scout Fee & Carry setting of the DAO.

Check out Fee & Carry for a detailed introduction to Scout Fee and Carry.