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Claiming Vesting

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Claiming Vesting

Claiming Vesting

If you participate (as an investor or become an investment beneficiary due to Governor Fee & Carry or Scout Fee & Carry) in a token-based investment that uses the Escrow component, you can claim the investment returns (Payback Tokens from the invested project) permissionlessly through the Vesting module provided by DAOSquare Incubator. See Vesting for more details about Vesting.

You can click the security-time icon on the sidebar of DAOSquare Incubator to open the Claim Vested Tokens page.


Vesting generated by different modes of DAO is displayed in different tabs. You can switch tabs to check your Vesting in different DAOs. Click on a vesting card to open the details page of that vesting.

Create Your Vesting

If you are opening the vesting card for the first time, you need to create the vesting first. Click the Create button, then confirm the transaction in the wallet. After the transaction is completed, you will see the details page of this Vesting.

It should be noted that the timing of creating the vesting does not affect the release of the vesting, which means that even if you do not create it, it will release the tokens to you according to the Vesting Schedule agreed upon in the investment proposal.

Check Your Vesting

You can view all the data of this vesting on the vesting details page, including the vesting schedule, current progress, currently claimable data, claim history, token information, and NFT (if the investment used the NFT component).

Vesting Schedule

You can view the vesting schedule settings for this vesting in the Vesting Schedule card, such as the cliff start and end times, the release period after the cliff, the vesting intervals, etc.

Progress Meter

You can view the current release progress of the vesting in the Progress Meter card. You can also see the total amount of your vesting tokens and the total amount of tokens you have already claimed.


In this card, you can check the number of tokens you can currently claim, as well as the number of tokens that are still locked (unreleased).

Token Info

You can view the logo, symbol, and token name of the vesting token in Token Info card. You can also click the blockchain explorer icon to open the information page of the token on the blockchain explorer.


If this investment used the NFT component, this page will display the information of the NFT you hold. Check the NFT for more details.

Claim History

You can view all the history of the tokens you have claimed here.

Claim Vesting Token

When the value of Claimable is greater than 0, you can claim the token at any time. You just need to click the Claim Token button on the Token Info card, confirm the transaction in your wallet, and after the transaction is successful, you will have successfully claimed vesting tokens.