
For DAO Managers

For Investors

Claiming Vesting

For Startups

For Scout

What Is Scout

Propose An Investment


Understanding Governomy

Governomy Contract & Graph


What Is Scout

What Is Scout

Simply put, Scout is the role of initiating an investment proposal in a Venture DAO. Depending on the DAO mode, the eligibility for becoming a Scout will vary. The person who initiated the proposal is called the Scout for this proposal of this DAO, not the Scout for other proposals in this DAO or other DAOs.

Here is an introduction to Scout in the three DAO modes.

DAO Mode
Who can be Scout of a DAO
Any Governor of this DAO
In a Vintage DAO, the Governor group is responsible for investment management, so any Governor can initiate an investment proposal and become a Scout.
Any one who Meet Scout Eligibility of this DAO
The Flex DAO is more flexible and open. The DAO can open the Scout role to the public through Scout Eligibility setting. Anyone (wallet address) who meets Scout Eligibility can initial an investment proposal in the DAO and become a Scout.
Any Member of this DAO
In a Collective DAO, all Members of the DAO are responsible for investment management, so any Member of this DAO can initiate an investment proposal and become a Scout.
  • See Eligibility for a detailed description of Scout Eligibility.
  • Check out Propose An Investment to learn how Scout initiates an investment proposal in a DAO and charges Scout Fee & Carry.

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