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Modify Fee & Carry

Modify Fee & Carry

In Vintage, Flex, and Collective DAOs, the following types of fees and carry can be modified by proposal.

Fee & Carry
DAO Mode
Governor Fee & Carry
• Flex
Scout Fee & Carry
• Flex
Redemption Fee
• Collective
In Vintage DAOs, the Governor Fee & Carry and Redemption Fee are set when the fund is established and apply to that period's fund, and they cannot be changed.

View Fee & Carry to learn more about the related introduction. This section mainly explains how to modify Fee & Carry. The Summoner of the DAO can set the initial settings when deploying the DAO. View Summon Your DAO in three mode of DAOs for more details.

Who Can Modify

In Flex DAOs, the modification to Fee & Carry is collectively decided by the DAO's Governor group through proposals and voting. In Collective DAOs, the modification to Fee & Carry is collectively decided by the DAO's Member group through proposals and voting.

When To Modify

DAO Mode
Fee & Carry can only be modified when there are no currently running Operation and Setting proposals. The result of a successful modification will apply to subsequent operations.
Fee & Carry can only be modified when there are no currently running Operation and Setting proposals. The result of a successful modification will apply to subsequent operations.

How To Modify

On the Management page of Flex and Collective DAOs, select the Settings tab, you can see these Fee & Carry modification proposals. Click on a Fee & Carry card to enter the proposal submission page. The following image is an example of Governor Fee & Carry modification.


Check Fee & Carry to understand the detailed introduction of each parameter.

You can fill in the modification reason and an extra link in the Reason section for others to view.

Click Submit to confirm the wallet transaction for the proposal submission. After successful submission, anyone can see the proposal on the proposals list page and enter the voting page to view the parameter modification and voting status of the proposal. The Governor (Flex) or Member (Collective) groups can vote on the proposal. Once the vote is passed and successfully executed, the Fee & Carry is modified. You can view the modified parameters on the DAO's About page. These parameters will apply to the subsequent operations of the DAO.