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Add / Remove / Quit Governor (Vintage & Flex)

Add / Remove / Quit Governor (Vintage & Flex)

In the Vintage and Flex DAO, the methods for adding, removal, and exit the Governor are the same and are uniformly covered in this section.

The Governor is a role that is present in both the Vintage DAO and the Flex DAO but with slightly different responsibilities. However, in Vintage DAO, the Governor are not only responsible for the operation and management of DAO, but also accepts investors' trust to manage funds, and is responsible for searching for investment opportunities and making investment decisions. In Flex DAO, the Governor is primarily responsible for the operation of the DAO and organizing investment activities, but has no fiduciary responsibility and will not be responsible for investment decisions. A specific introduction to the Governor of these two DAOs can be viewed in Roles In Vintage DAO and Roles In Flex DAO

The following table is a summary of the methods of Governor adding, removal, and exit:

Who to Do
Become a Genesis Governor
Add a new Governor through a Governor-In Proposal
Any Governor submits a proposal; All governors vote
Remove an existing Governor through a Governor-Out Proposal
Any Governor submits a proposal; All governors vote
Voluntary quit though Quit Card
A Governor who wants to quit

Add Governors As Genesis Governor

Summoner can set up the DAO's genesis governors through the Genesis Governors function. Genesis Governors are not limited to the Governor Eligibility, which means the Summoner can add any address to be a Genesis Governor when summoning a DAO. There is no distinction between the rights and obligations of the Genesis Governor and the governors added through the Governor-in proposal after the DAO was established.


Adding Genesis Governors is a step in Summoning a DAO. Check out the Genesis Governors section on Summon A Vintage DAO for details.

Add Governors through Governor-In Proposal

In the Vintage and Flex DAOs, adding a new Governor after the DAO has been successfully deployed can only be done through the Governor-In proposal.

Who is eligible to be nominated as the new Governor
Anyone who meets the Governor Eligibility criteria set by the DAO (wallet address). A full description of Governor Eligibility can be found at Eligibility.
Who can initiate the Governor-In Proposal
Any Governor of this DAO.
How to Approve
All existing Governors vote. Whether approved or rejected is based on the DAO voting mechanism.

There are three steps to completing a Governor-In proposal: 1) submit a Governor-In proposal, 2)voting, and 3) execution.

Step 1: Submit A Governor-In Proposal

Any Governor of this DAO can submit a Governor-In Proposal to nominate a new Governor. First, find the "Management" button on the DAO homepage topbar.


Click on the Management page and find the Governor-In Proposal card. Click "Create" to enter the proposal form page.


A Governor-In Proposal requires the following input:

Wallet Address
The nominee's wallet address. When the proposer enters an address, the system checks whether that address meets the Governor Eligibility criteria set by the DAO. If not, the proposal cannot be submitted. If the nominee has set up Profil3, the name and avatar of the wallet address holder will be displayed in the Preview on the right.
Twitter Link
You can provide a link to the nominee's Twitter page so other Governors can get to know the nominee.
You can set a tag for the nominee, such as identity, field, etc. The tag makes it easier for other governors to learn about the nominee.
The introduction of the nominee. A maximum of 500 characters. It will be shown during the voting session.
Voting Asset Allocation
If the Voting Asset of the DAO's Voting system is set to Allocation, this module appears and is used to assign voting assets to nominees. If the voting asset is of a different kind, this module does not appear.

Step 2: Voting

When the Governor-In proposal is successfully submitted, the proposals list page displays the proposal. Clicking on it takes you to the proposal details page, where all Governors can vote on the proposal during the voting period. The status card for the proposal in the proposals list page will also be updated in real-time as the proposal progresses.

Step 3: Execution

When a Governor-In proposal ends the voting period, anyone can click Execution to execute the proposal result. If a Governor-In proposal is passed, the nominee will officially become the Governor of the DAO after the Execution transaction is executed, and you can see them in the DAO's About / Governors list.

Remove Governors Through Governor-Out Proposal

Any Governor may propose to remove the other Governors by submitting a Governor-Out proposal. What should be noted is:

  • In a Vintage DAO, if a person has been removed as Governor but still has a remaining deposit in the DAO, that person is still an Investor in the DAO.
  • In Flex DAO, removing a person's Governor status does not affect that person's ability to assume other roles.

Removing a Governor requires three steps: Submit a Governor-Out proposal, voting, and execution.

Step 1: Submit A Governor-Out Proposal

Go to the Management page and find the Governor-Out Proposal. Click "Create" to enter the application process.

All you have to do is select the Governor you want to kick out of the list and fill in your reasons so that other governors know what's going on.

When you finish submitting the transaction, the proposal will go to a vote.

Step 2: Voting

When the proposal is successfully submitted. The proposals list page displays the proposal. Clicking on it takes you to the Proposal Details page, where the Governor can vote on the proposal during the voting period. The status TAB for the proposal in the Proposals list page will also be updated in real-time as the proposal progresses.

Step 3: Execution

When a proposal ends the voting period, anyone can click Execution to execute the proposal result. If a Governor-Out proposal passed, that person (address) no longer holds the role of Governor, no longer holds Voting Power, and the DAO's About / Governor page has no information about that person. If a Governor-Out proposal does not pass, then the proposal ends and the person remains as Governor.

Governor Quit

In the Vintage and Flex DAOs, if a Governor wishes to voluntarily give up his or her Governor status, he or she can do so at any time through the Governor Quit feature.

When a Governor completes the Quit action, that member no longer holds the Governor's rights. However, it does not affect the balance of the Deposit and the existing Investor status.

If you decide to give up the Governor status of a Vintage or Flex DAO, just find the Governor Quit card on the Management page, click on it, a prompt will appear, click on Quit again and you will complete the exit process and lose the DAO's Governor role.