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Adjust Voting Asset Allocation To Governors

Adjust Voting Asset Allocation To Governors

In Vintage and Flex DAOs, if the Voting System's Voting Asset is set to Allocation, you can use the Voting Asset Allocation proposal to adjust the quantity of the DAO's Governor's Voting Asset. Check the Voting System for more information on Allocation.

In Venture and Flex DAOs, adjust the Governor’s Voting Asset number is done through an Voting Asset Allocation proposal. It must go through three stages: submission of the proposal, voting, and execution.

Step 1: Submit an proposal (By Governor)

In Vintage and Flex DAO, any Governor can submit Voting Asset Allocation proposal if the Voting Asset of Voting System is set to Allocation.

You can initiate an adjustment for a governor’s voting asset number by clicking on Voting Asset Allocation proposal from the Management page.


The Voting Asset Allocation proposal includes the following sections to fill in:

  • Governor
  • Adjust To
  • Reason


First, you need to select an existing Governor in DAO from the dropdown menu to adjust his/her Voting Asset number. When you choose a Governor, the Preview section will show the current number of Voting Assets for that Governor.

Adjust To

Fill in the adjusted quantity here. Note, it is the adjusted quantity. For example, if the current Voting Asset number of the Governor is 100, and you fill in 20 here, after the proposal is passed, the Voting Asset number of the Governor will be adjusted to 20.


You can provide some adjustment reasons here for others to see.

When you are finished, click Submit button to complete the proposal submission.

Step 2: Voting (By Governors)

Once an Voting Asset Allocation proposal has been successfully submitted, it is ready for voting. When the proposal moves into voting period, any Governor of the DAO may vote. Check out Voting for more details.

Step 3: Execution

When an Voting Asset Allocation proposal reaches the end of the voting period, anyone can click the "Execution" button to execute the results.

  • If the proposal is approved, clicking Execution will modify the voting asset number of the governor. You can see the number in DAO’s About page.
  • If the proposal is not approved, clicking Execution will cause the proposal to fail and close.