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Roles In Collective DAO

Roles In Collective DAO

The Collective DAO is a Venture DAO mode that operates between the Vintage and Flex modes. Similar to the investment club framework, it invests collectively with a pool of capital but gives each investor a vote, balancing collective decision-making with individual choice.

The Collective DAOs have the following categories of roles:

Right & Benefit
How to Be
Both DAO Managers and Investors.
In a Collective DAO, all DAO members are collectively referred to as "Members". In both Vintage and Flex, there are two different roles, Governor and Investor, which are not necessarily related. However, in Collective, all members are usually both Governor and Investor, and each Member has two tags, Governor and Investor. The only exception can be Summoner, which automatically becomes a Member with a Governor tag when it deploy the DAO and can continue to be a Member and Governor even if it does not become an Investor through Deposit. Except for Summoner, all other Members will lose their membership and rights once they withdraw all their Deposits. • Governor: is the administrator of DAO, mainly responsible for the approval of Member entry and exit, and the modification of various Settings of DAO. • Investor: Investor who has successfully deposited in the DAO.
Fundraising: Fundraising is an open fundraising method. People who meet Member Eligibility can Advance Deposit through fundraising. If they are successfully allocated to investment shares after fundraising closes, they will automatically become DAO members and enjoy investment rights and governance rights. • Member-In Proposal: Any DAO Member can nominate someone to join as a new Member through the Member-In proposal, and the Member-in process will require the Member nominee to promise a deposit to become a new DAO member.
Proposer of Investment Proposal
Provide investment sources, submit investment proposals, and win Scout Fee & Carry.
The Member who submitted the investment proposal. Each investment proposal may have a different Scout.
DAO’s founder
Summoner has the right to set up DAO with initial settings. After DAO is deployed, Summoner’s right is the same as any other Members.
Deploy a DAO on DAOSquare Incubator. Only Summoner can become a Member by default in DAO Summon process without Deposit.

Eligibility Of Roles

Summoner by default becomes a Member of the DAO, with no admission requirements. Scout is a role for a specific investment project and can only be undertaken by any Member. In the Collective DAO, only the Member role requires admission eligibility criteria.

The admission eligibility criteria for Members include four settings options: ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, and whitelist. The DAO can set the minimum required token holdings for ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 option. Note that these are admission criteria for Members, and meeting these eligibility conditions does not automatically grant the Member role.

If a person joins the DAO through a Member-In proposal, the nominee needs to meet the DAO's Member Eligibility requirements, and need a current Member submit the Member-In proposal, which must be approved by a vote of the Member group. Once approved, the nominee becomes a Member of the DAO.

If a person joins the DAO through Fundraising, those who meet Member Eligibility can make an advance deposit, but they only become a Member after being allocated investment shares.

Member Eligibility is optional, which means if this toggle is not turned on, anyone can deposit through Fundraising, and anyone can be nominated by other Members to become a new Member.