
For DAO Managers

For Investors

Claiming Vesting

For Startups

For Scout

What Is Scout

Propose An Investment


Understanding Governomy

Governomy Contract & Graph


Summon A Flex DAO

Summon A Flex DAO

This article details how to deploy a Flex mode Venture DAO. Before you deploy one, read the introduction to Flex mode (including how it works) carefully to make sure Flex mode is really right for you.

First of all, enter the Explore page of DAOSquare Incubator, and click the Summon a DAO button in the upper right corner of the page to enter the selection page of different DAO modes, as shown in the figure below:


You can deploy three different modes of DAOs by clicking on various cards. Click on the Flex card, and the page will jump to the summon page of the Flex DAO. From there, you can set up and deploy your DAO, as shown below:


Fill Out The Form

To deploy a Flex DAO, you need to complete the following settings categories. Some are required, and some are optional:

  • Chain
  • Account
  • Investor Limit
  • Governor Eligibility
  • Investor Eligibility
  • Scout Eligibility
  • Governance Voting
  • Governor Fee & Carry
  • TempCheck For Investment
  • Genesis Governors


You need to choose which network to deploy your DAO on. Currently, DAOSquare supports only Base and the Base Sepolia test network for testers. It's important to note that once your DAO is successfully deployed, you won't be able to change the network. Consider this carefully or discuss it with your team before making a final decision.



The Account is your DAO's unique name on the DAOSquare Incubator, similar to an ID, so it cannot be repeated. Currently, once your DAO is successfully deployed, you won't be able to modify the Account. However, DAOSquare Protocol reserves modifiable features that will be available in the future, allowing you to modify your Account at that time.

The Account supports multiple languages, spaces, and symbols. Maximum 32 characters.


Investor Limit

You can use the Investor Limit to limit the Maximum Number of investors who can participate in an investment initiated by a DAO. It should be noted that the Investor Limit defines the number of investors who can participate in a specific project. The number of investors for each project is recalculated separately, regardless of other projects. Investor Limit is an optional feature that you can turn on or off through Toggle, and turning it off means there is no limit to the number of investors per investment in the DAO. Investor Limit supports subsequent updates, which means that once your DAO is successfully deployed, you can still modify it with an Investor Limit proposal.


Governor Eligibility

In the Flex DAO, the Governor's role is responsible for the maintenance of the DAO and they have voting rights in the governance of the DAO. See Roles of Flex for a detailed introduction to the different roles in the Flex DAO.

There are two ways to become the Governor of a Flex DAO:

  1. The deployer (Summoner) adds anyone (wallet) to the DAO deployment page via the Genesis Governors module to be Genesis Governors. No one else needs to approve this addition.
  2. After the DAO is successfully deployed, a Governor can nominate others to become Governors through the Governor-in proposal. This requires other Governors to vote for approval to successfully join.

The Governor Eligibility component helps the DAO set criteria for becoming a Governor nominee. When a Governor initiates a Governor-In proposal to nominate someone, only individuals who meet the eligibility criteria (such as holding an NFT) can be considered nominees. Once the proposal is submitted and approved through voting, the nominee becomes the Governor of the DAO. Governor Eligibility specifically applies to the submission of the Governor-In proposal.

The image below shows the parameters set for Governor Eligibility:


In DAOSquare Incubator, Eligibility is a very important component of Venture DAO, which can help DAOs of different modes to manage the entry barrier for their roles. Please see Eligibility to understand how specific parameters are introduced and how to use them.

Governor Eligibility is an optional feature that you can turn on or off with a toggle. Turning it off allows any nominee (wallet address) to be verified and submitted when the Governor-In proposal is submitted. Governor Eligibility supports subsequent updates, meaning that even after your DAO is deployed, you can still modify all parameters of Governor Eligibility through the Governor Eligibility proposal.

Investor Eligibility

In a Flex DAO, you can use Investor Eligibility to specify who can participate in the advance deposit for an investment project in a Flex DAO. Those who receive investment quota will become the the Investors of this investment.

The Investor Eligibility parameters are set the same as the Governor Eligibility. Please see Eligibility to understand how specific parameter is introduced and how to use them.

Investor Eligibility is an optional feature that you can turn on or off with a toggle. Turning it off means that anyone (wallet address) can advance a deposit during the fundraising period. But only those who are ultimately allocated investment quota can become investors of this investment. Investor Eligibility supports subsequent updates, which means that when your DAO is successfully deployed, you can still modify all parameters of Investor Eligibility through the Investor Eligibility proposal.


Scout Eligibility

Scout is the person qualified to propose an investment proposal in the Flex DAO. You can agree through Scout Eligibility who is eligible to propose an investment proposal in your DAO.

Unlike Vintage DAO, whose eligibility for proposals is limited to the Governor, Flex DAO is free to set the eligibility criteria for Scout, making Flex DAO more open. For example, an investment community could set a minimum of 10,000 community tokens or a community-issued NFT to qualify for an investment proposal in the DAO.

Scout Eligibility is set to the exact same parameters as Governor Eligibility. Please see Eligibility to understand specific parameter is introduced and how to use it. Scout Eligibility is an optional feature that you can turn on or off via a toggle, which means that anyone (wallet address) can propose an investment proposal in the DAO, which achieves maximum openness, but also increases administrative costs and risks. Scout Eligibility supports subsequent updates, which means that when your DAO is successfully deployed, you can still modify all parameters of Scout Eligibility through Scout Eligibility.


Governance Voting

In Flex DAO, Governance Voting defines the decision-making mechanism of the DAO on matters such as Eligibility, voting mechanism modification, DAO contract upgrade, and so on. Only the Governor has the right to vote. Voting applies to all governance proposals for the Flex DAO. As shown in the following figure, the Voting System setup consists of five parameters: Voting Asset, Weight Algorithm, Contract Address Support, Quorum, and Voting Period.


The following table provides a brief description of these five parameters.

Voting Asset
Verifiable on-chain assets that used to calculate Voting Power
Weight Algorithm
The algorithm for calculating Vote weights includes Quantity, Log2, and 1 Vote 1 Voter.
Support specifies a minimum percentage of supporting votes (number of supporters/total number of voters), which is one of the decisive parameters of whether a proposal can be passed.
Quorum specifies a minimum participation rate for a vote (the number of votes cast/the total number of people eligible to vote). It is one of the decisive parameters for whether a proposal is passed.
Voting Period
The length of the voting period, you can choose the unit of time, such as minutes, hours, days.

See the Voting System for a detailed introduction to the Voting System.

Governor Fee & Carry

The Governor of the Flex DAO, as an organizer, will not be involved in investment decisions, but will also need human resources to maintain the DAO's healthy operation, such as organizing coordination efforts, promoting deal flow's offline work, and may also need to pay for investment-related expenses offline. Therefore, the Governor can charge a certain amount of Governor Fee and Governor Carry to the investor as compensation and incentives on each investment through the Governor Fee & Carry component.

Governor Fee & Carry is an optional feature that you can turn on or off via a toggle, and turning it off means that the Governors does not charge any fees to investors who invest in the project.


See the Fee & Carry for a detailed introduction to the Governor Fee & Carry.

TempCheck For Investment

When the DAO has a lot of investment resources, or the DAO wants to ensure high-quality and efficient investments, the DAO can enable the TempCheck For Investment feature, and approve the initiation of investment proposals through TempCheck Voting.

Not enabling the TempCheck For Investment means that the investment proposals can go directly to the fundraising stage without review. TempCheck For Investment allows the investment proposals submitted by the Scout to be reviewed by TempCheck Voters. Only after passing TempCheck Voting can fundraising be initiated; if it does not pass, the proposal is automatically voided. You can use the TempCheck Eligibility component to set the TempCheck Voter, and you can also set the voting mechanism through TempCheck Voting.

TempCheck Voter Eligibility


TempCheck Voters are the decision makers (voters) in the Flex DAO specifically for TempCheck. You can use the TempCheck Voter Eligibility to determine who is eligible to vote in a TempCheck. For example, you could deploy an NFT and gift it to some investment professionals, inviting them to become a TempCheck Voter. Or give the power to your investment community to decide whether to open an investment based on the level of interest in the investment project.

The parameters for TempCheck Voter Eligibility are set the same as for Governor Eligibility. Please see Eligibility to understand specific parameters is introduced and how to use it.

You must specify TempCheck Voters if you enable TempCheck For Investment. TempCheck Voter Eligibility supports subsequent updates, which means that when your DAO is successfully deployed, You can still modify all parameters of TempCheck Voter Eligibility through the TempCheck Voter Eligibility proposal.

TempCheck Voting


TempCheck is also voting, but unlike Governance Voting, its purpose is to determine if there is enough interest in the investment. The Support and Quorum parameters only provide absolute values, not percentages. It is recommended to refer to the Voting System for a detailed introduction to the voting process.

Genesis Governors

Summoner can set up the DAO's Genesis Governors through the Genesis Governors function. Genesis Governors are not limited to the Governor Eligibility, which means Summoner can add any address to be Genesis Governors when summoning a DAO.


Adding a Genesis Governor is easy. Just enter their wallet address, click the "+" button, and they will be added to the list. If the person has set up Profil3 (a decentralized DID product), Preview will display their Avatar, Name, etc. You can also click "Remove" to take the person off the list.

If the Voting Asset in Governance Voting is set to ERC20/721/1155, then you need to click "CHECK" to see if there are any added persons in the list where the Voting Asset is 0. This helps avoid creating a dead DAO with no governance.

If the Voting Asset in Governance Voting is set to Allocation, then you need to allocate the amount of Allocation to the added persons. See the Voting System for details on Allocation.


The person who fills in the Summoning DAO is called DAO Summoner, and the Summoner is one of the Genesis Governors by default.

Genesis Governors is an optional feature. If Genesis Governors is turned on, the Summoner address will automatically appear in the Genesis Governors list, and if it's not turned on, after the form is submitted and the DAO is successfully deployed, Summoner will become the DAO's sole Genesis Governor by default.

Genesis Governors could be kicked out through the Governor-Out proposal. After the DAO was established, any new Governors would be added through the Governor-In Proposal, but they would no longer be called Genesis Governors.


Submit And Deploy

Once you have completed these Settings, you can click the "Submit" button to submit the deployment request, and when you confirm the transaction in the wallet and execute it successfully, congratulations, your DAO deployment is successful! You can access your DAO by clicking "View" in the prompt window. You can also find it on the "Explore" page.
