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Which DAO Mode Suits You?

Which DAO Mode Suits You?

Currently, DAOSquare Incubator offers three modes of Venture DAOs (Vintage, Collective, Flex) to suit different venture capital running models. Learn about the features of the three DAO modes below, and choose the one that suits you to create or invest in a DAO.

See the 3 Modes of Venture DAO3 Modes of Venture DAO for a detailed explanation but the simple explanation is:

The Venture DAO in Vintage mode, referred to as Vintage DAO, was originally designed with reference to the blind pool fund in the GP+LP structure of traditional private funds, that is, fund managers and investors put their funds into a pool when the investment targets are uncertain. The fund manager shall carry out the investment act on behalf of the investors. In Vintage DAO, there are two types of roles, Governor and Investor, which are similar to the functions of GP and LP in traditional funds, and there is a fiduciary relationship.
The Collective mode of Venture DAO, referred to as Collective DAO, is originally designed with reference to the investment clubs in the US and UK. That is, many people put money in a pool, and all members have the power of investment decision-making and governance, and no one is an investment adviser to others, and there is no entrusting relationship.
The Flex mode Venture DAO, or Flex DAO for short, is a very flexible Venture DAO operating way where funds are raised and invested on a project-specific basis. Flex DAO is originally designed to reference the deal-by-deal Syndicate in traditional private equity.

Modes Comparison

Vintage DAO
Collective DAO
Flex DAO
Mode Description
Investors deposit money into DAO to delegate Governors to manage. Governors are responsible for identifying investment opportunities and making investment decisions.
A group of people pool their money to invest together. All Members generally study different investments and then make investment decisions together.
Members research and select investments together, but they invest individually deal by deal instead of pooling their money.
Similar Structure in Traditional Finance
VC Fund with GP +LP structure
Investment Club
Governor, Investor
Governor, Investor
Decision Maker for Investment
All members
Decision Maker for DAO maintenance
All members
Fund Type
Blind Pool
Blind Pool
Deal by Deal
Fund Term
No Term
Investor Decision making willingness & Ability

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