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Create A Vesting

Create A Vesting

As an investee, if you have ever used DAOSquare Incubator to raise funds for your startup project, you can use the Vesting App provided by DAOSquare Incubator to create an on-chain Vesting Schedule for your investors and automatically release tokens to your investors through it. See Vesting to learn more about Vesting component. Here is the guide to how create a vesting.

Click the Calendar icon in the sidebar of DAOSquare Incubator to enter the Vesting App. The homepage of the App shows all the vesting you have created.


Create A Vesting

Click the Create button to create a new vesting. Creating a vesting requires completing the following settings.


Choose which chain to deploy your vesting on. Currently, DAOSquare Incubator only supports the Base network and the Base Sepolia testnet for user testing.

Vesting Info

Basic information of vesting, optional.

Set a name for the vesting.
Set a tag for the vesting, such as SeedRound.
Provide a brief for the vesting.
Upload a poster for the vesting.
Upload a logo for the vesting.

Vesting Token

Choose your vesting currency. If your vesting currency is a mainstream currency, such as USDT, you can use the mainstream currencies provided by the Token List. If your Vesting currency is not in the Token List, you can choose Custom Token and then enter the token address in the Custom Token Address.

Vesting Schedule

See Vesting for details on Vesting. The following is an overview of the parameters.

Vesting Start Date
Start time of vesting.
Vesting End Date
End time of vesting.
Cliff End Date
End time of cliff period.
Cliff-Vesting Amount
The percentage of tokens released to investors at the end of the Cliff.
Vesting Intervals
Period unit for releasing the tokens.

Receiver List

You can add receivers of vesting in the following three ways. The addition method is single-choice, which means you can only use one of the methods to add vesting receivers.

From Proposal ID
You can import investors who participated in this investment with one click by using the Proposal ID. If you have used Receipt NFT in an investment proposal, you can quickly import current NFT holders by entering the Proposal ID. If the NFT is transferred, it will point to the current NFT holder rather than the original investor of the investment.
From CSV
Upload a CSV file to bulk import vesting receivers.
Manually enter the vesting receivers.

Receivers From Proposal ID

You can add Receivers by entering a Proposal ID for an investment proposal. There are two scenarios: A) The investment proposal does not use the NFT feature (specifically referring to Receipt Collection, see the NFT section for more details). B) The investment proposal uses the NFT feature (Receipt NFT).

After you enter the Proposal ID, the system will automatically determine whether the investment proposal uses the NFT feature, and import the corresponding Receivers.

  • Automatically import investor addresses (Receipt NFT feature not used).
  • Automatically import current Receipt NFT holder addresses (Receipt NFT feature used). If investors haven't minted NFTs, import addresses of investors who haven't minted NFTs.

You only need to enter the total token amount for this vesting in the Total Amount field. The system will automatically allocate token quantities to receivers based on the investment proportion data of investors or NFT holders in this investment.

When you complete the setup, the Receiver List will display the list of vesting receivers you imported and the amount of tokens allocated to each of them.

Receivers From CSV

You need to upload a CSV file that records the wallet addresses of the vesting receivers and the number of tokens. After you successfully import it, the Receiver List will display the list of vesting receivers you imported and the number of tokens allocated to each of them. You can download a CSV template file from this module.

Receivers Manually

You can manually enter the wallet address and token amount for each vesting receiver, click the + button, and add them to the Receiver List.


You can enable NFT for this vesting. When the NFT function is used, the vesting beneficiary is assigned an NFT to represent their vesting claiming eligibility, and transferring the NFT transfers his representative's vesting claiming eligibility.

See NFT for a detailed introduction to NFT functions.

When you are finished, click Create button to complete the vesting deployment.

View Vesting

After you successfully create a vesting, you can see it on the homepage of the Vesting App. Click on the card to enter the details page of that vesting. You can view the data and progress of the vesting on this page.
