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Creating A Proposal

Creating A Proposal

The Governomy proposals are the only way to create enforceable changes in the DAOSquare Incubator Protocol and the Governomy Protocol. They are also the only way to manage the treasury.

If you hold at least 5,000 goRICE, you can propose any proposal in Governomy. See the list of proposals to check the all proposals in Governomy.

Before creating a proposal, it might make sense to do a discussion in the community, especially if the subject is of an important matter.

Creating a proposal is easy.

  1. Go to the Governomy on DAOSquare Incubator (courthouse icon in the sidebar).
  2. Click the settings icon on the topbar and open the Management page.
  3. Choose the proposal type you plan to submit from the three tabs (Treasury, Adjusters, Contract Update).
  4. Fill out the proposal form and submit it.

After that's done, be sure to engage with members of the community who have questions about your proposal.

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