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In Collective DAOs, any existing member can add funds to the DAO (Deposit) through a Top-up proposal. Since Deposit is the only option for the Collective's Voting Asset in the voting system, adding funds to the DAO means increasing the member's governance rights (voting power). Additionally, adding funds to the DAO will also increase their share of investments in future DAO investments.

An Top-up must go through three stages: submission of the Top-up proposal, voting, and execution.

Step 1: Submit A Top-up Proposal (By Member)

This step is carried out by the top-up applicant (Member of DAO). Any Member in Collective DAO can submit an Top-up proposal to increase the deposit in DAO.

You can initiate an Top-up proposal by clicking on Top-up proposal card from the Management page in the Collective DAO.


The Top-up proposal includes the following sections to fill in:

Top-up Amount
The amount of deposit you wish to add to the DAO.
Provide some introductions or reasons to let others understand why you are making an additional deposit to the DAO.

When you are finished, click Submit button to complete the proposal submission.

Step 2: Start Voting (By Members)

Once an Top-up proposal has been successfully submitted, it is ready for voting.

  • The Top-up applicant (Top-up proposal submitter) needs to approve the contract to transfer the top-up token from the Top-up applicant’s wallet to the DAO fund pool using the Approve transaction.
  • A Member needs to click "Start Voting" to open the voting period. Any Member can do this. Before clicking Start Voting button, you need to check the Approve module to see if the top-up applicant has approved enough Top-up tokens. If it's not enough, when you click on Start Voting, the proposal will fail. Therefore, you need to contact the top-up applicant and ask them to complete the Approve action as soon as possible.

If all is in order, click Start Voting button to start voting. When the proposal moves into voting period, any Member of the DAO may vote. Check out Voting for more details.

Step 3: Execution

When an Top-up proposal reaches the end of the voting period, anyone can click the "Execution" button to execute the results.

If the proposal is approved (vote passes), after clicking Execution, the contract will transfer top-tokens from the top-up applicant's wallet to the DAO fund pool. The amount transferred will depend on the number set in the top-up proposal. At the same time, the deposit share of the top-up applicant in the DAO will be updated. The new voting power and benefit share of the top-up applicant will apply to the subsequent operations of the DAO.

If the proposal is not approved, clicking Execution will cause the Top-up proposal to fail and close.

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