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How To Apply A Funding

How To Apply A Funding

In DAOSquare Incubator, different models of Venture DAOs operate differently, so the approach and method of applying for investment in different models of Venture DAOs are also different. The following table briefly describes how to apply for investment in the different modes of Venture DAOs.

DAO Mode
How To Apply For Funding
In the Vintage DAO, only the Governor role has the eligibility to initiate an investment proposal. This means that you need to contact a Governor of a Venture DAO through off-chain communication (forum, email, etc.) and persuade him or her to initiates an investment proposal to fund your project. DAOSquare Incubator provides Venture DAOs the function of public applications. If the DAO has a link to apply for funding (such as an online form), you can find it in the banner on the DAO's home page.
The Flex DAO can set who can initiate an investment proposal by setting Scout Eligibility. Any person eligible for Scout Eligibility may initiate an investment proposal in the DAO. You can apply for a Flex DAO funding in two ways: • If you meet the DAO's Scout Eligibility, you can directly initiate an investment proposal to become a Scout. • If you do NOT meet the DAO's Scout Eligibility, you can contact a person who does meet the Flex DAO's Scout Eligibility to initiate an investment proposal. DAOSquare Incubator provides Venture DAOs the function of public applications. If the DAO has a link to apply for funding (such as an online form), you can find it in the Banner on the DAO's home page.
In a Collective DAO, only a Member of the DAO has the eligibility to initiate an investment proposal. This means that you need to contact a Member of a Venture DAO through off-chain communication (forum, email, etc.) and persuade him or her to initiates an investment proposal to fund your project. DAOSquare Incubator provides Venture DAOs the function of public applications. If the DAO has a link to apply for funding (such as an online form), you can find it in the Banner on the DAO's home page.

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