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Check Funding Process

Check Funding Process

When an investment proposal for your project is successfully submitted in a Venture DAO, you can follow the progress of the investment application at any time to complete the on-chain operations that may need your action.

Understand The Investment Process Of Different DAO Modes

Different models of Venture DAOs work differently, so you need to understand how the investment proposal of each model of Venture DAO works.

  • Check out the Vintage DAO / Invest In A Project to see how the investment proposal of the Vintage model Venture DAO works.
  • Check out the Flex DAO / Invest In A Project to see how the investment proposal for the Venture DAO in Flex mode works.
  • Check out Collective DAO / Invest In A Project to see how the investment proposal for the Collective model Venture DAO works.

Something You May Need To Do - Escrow Payback Token

Escrow Payback Token is an action that a startup applying for funding may need during fundraising in the DAOSquare Incubator. It is only necessary to request the invested project to escrow the payback tokens during the fundraising process when an investment proposal has enabled the Escrow function.

For Vintage and Collective modes of Venture DAO, escrowing the payback tokens must be completed before Start Voting, otherwise the fundraising will fail. For Flex mode of Venture DAO, escrowing the payback tokens can be completed before the end of the fundraising.

See Escrow Payback Token for details.

Checkpoints In The Funding Process

The following points can help you quickly follow up on an investment proposal in different modes of Venture DAOs.

DAO Mode
What To Check
The Vintage mode of Venture DAO pays investment funds from the fund's pool for specific proposals. If your investment proposal is successfully submitted, it means there are enough funds in the DAO to support it. The key factor in determining whether you get funding is the vote. If the proposal is approved by the vote, you will get the funding. If not, your investment application has failed. So, focus on the vote and do anything that can help get it approved.
Collective mode Venture DAO is similar to Vintage mode Venture DAO. The key factor that determines whether you get funding is the vote. So, focus on the vote and do anything that can help get it approved.
The Venture DAO in Flex mode raises funds deal by deal through several investment proposals, so once your investment proposal is successfully submitted, you need to focus on the fundraising status of that investment application. If, at the end of the fundraising period, the amount raised is less than your minimum funding requirement set by the investment proposal, your investment application will fail. In addition, if a Flex mode Venture DAO enable the TempCheck For Investment function. Before your investment proposal enters the fundraising period, it will undergo a temperature check (TempCheck Voting) by the DAO to determine whether your investment application is allowed to enter the fundraising phase. Therefore, if you are applying for an investment in a Flex DAO with TempCheck For Investment enabled, you also need to keep an eye on the TempCheck progress of that investment application before the fundraising period.