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Claiming RICE Reward

Claiming RICE Reward

See Understanding Governomy to learn more about RICE Reward in detail. Here is a simple guide on how to claim RICE Reward.

The RICE Reward Claimer set by Venture DAO in DAOSquare Incubator can be viewed on the Governomy / Distribution page to see if there are any RICE Rewards available to claim.


RICE Claim Pool card shows the current RICE allocation statistics of the RICE Claim Pool, including:

Main Data
The current RICE Claim Pool's total amount available for allocation.
Current Inflow
The total RICE allocation inflow into the RICE Claim Pool during the current Distribution Cycle.
Pool Balance
The balance of the RICE Claim Pool's RICE allocation from the previous Distribution Cycle.

Once you have connected your wallet as the RICE Reward Claimer set by Venture DAO in DAOSquare Incubator, you can view the amount of RICE Reward you can currently claim in the Claiming module, as well as your allocation percentage (depending on your Venture DAO's contribution percentage to the protocol fees in the last Distribution Cycle). Click the Claim button to claim your RICE Reward.

The Eligible DAOs list shows the DAOs that are currently eligible to receive RICE Rewards in the current Distribution Cycle.

The names of eligible DAOs, contract addresses, and DAO Avatars.
The proportion that this DAO can claim in the current Distribution Cycle, which is the proportion of protocol fee contributions made by this DAO in the previous Distribution Cycle.
The estimated amount of RICE that this DAO can claim in the current Distribution Cycle.

It is important to note that the RICE Reward has a time limit for claiming, which means you must claim it within the Distribution Cycle. If you do not claim it within the specified time, your reward share will be included in the next Distribution Cycle, and the beneficiaries will be the protocol fee contributors of the next Distribution Cycle.

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