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Understanding Governomy

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Trigger Buyback

Trigger Buyback

See Understanding Governomy for a detailed introduction about Buyback. Simply put, in Governomy, the Buyback action performs two things:

  • Buyback from the market and burn RICE (the burn rate depends on the Burn rate setting of Governomy).
  • Provides the calculation base for the current RICE Reward amount. This also means that the current RICE Reward will only be activated after a Buyback transaction has been executed.

If you are a goRICE holder, you can check the Governomy / Distribution page to see if any Buyback can currently be triggered. See How To Lock And Unlock RICE to learn how to get goRICE.


RICE Buyback Pool card shows the current RICE Buyback Pool protocol fee allocation statistics, including:

Main Data
The current total amount of protocol fee distribution for the RICE Buyback Pool.
Current Inflow
The total protocol fee allocation inflow into the RICE Buyback Pool during the current Distribution Cycle.
Pool Balance
The balance of the RICE Buyback Pool's protocol fee allocation from the previous Distribution Cycle.

Incoming Buyback card shows the current available amount for buyback statistics, including:

Main Data
The current total amount available in the RICE Buyback Pool for buyback.
The current market price of RICE.
Buyback Amount
Based on the current market price of RICE, the estimated amount of RICE that can be bought back.

After you connect your wallet, you can execute a Trigger transaction on the Trigger Reward card. This card shows the current amount available for buyback, and as the triggerer of the buyback transaction, it also displays the reward amount you can receive after completing the buyback transaction.

Click Buyback to trigger the buyback transaction and win rewards at the same time.

Buyback & Burn History list shows the buyback history of Governomy.

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