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Claiming Compensation

Claiming Compensation

See Understanding Governomy to learn more about Compensation in detail. Here is a simple guide on how to claim Compensation.

If you are a goRICE holder, you can check on the Governomy / Distribution page to see if there is any compensation available for you to claim. See How To Lock And Unlock RICE to learn how to get goRICE.


Compensation Pool card shows the current protocol fee allocation statistics of the Compensation Pool, including:

  • Main Data: The current Compensation Pool total amount available for allocation.
  • Current Inflow: The total protocol fee allocation inflow into the Compensation Pool during the current Distribution Cycle.
  • Pool Balance: The balance of the Compensation Pool's protocol fee allocation from the previous Distribution Cycle.

Once you have connected your wallet, you can view the amount of compensation you are currently eligible to claim in the Claiming module, as well as your allocation percentage (depending on your goRICE balance percentage). Click the Claim button to claim your compensation.

Claim History list shows the records of your received Compensation.

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